Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ahhh, Life...

Life. It sure has a way of knocking us off of our feet sometimes. We can plan every detail of our day/life and oftentimes are able to execute it without anything going wrong. Sometimes our plans are thrown off slightly causing us to make minor alterations, but there are times when our plans are completely demolished due to circumstances beyond our control.

It aggravates, angers and even saddens us but it's all God's plan. Most of the time it's hard for us to come to grips with His plan, especially when it interrupts ours. I can't completely figure God out but I do know that He sometimes has to throw us off of "our course" for 1) To remind us of Who He is and 2) To get us onto His course. 

Yesterday I tried (I'm still trying) to figure our God's plan for me in regards to something that happened to someone connected to me. I know He has a plan, because He's the only reason we were still connected. He hasn't shown me yet but what He has done, was block everything I tried to do for myself, in this particular area, for over a year. Everything was pretty much perfect and was in line to fall into place with perfect precision but that wasn't how it was going. I couldn't figure out for the life of me, why things weren't going the way I wanted or had planned but yesterday I learned why. Now, I need to know what to do next.

The story of Paul and Silas in Acts 16 encourages me to wait on God for an answer, a sign...to never lose hope and it reminds me of how perfect His timing is. For them, even when the foundation of the prison was shaken creating an escape route, they still waited on God's timing and for His perfect will to be done, and it was! Souls were saved...they accomplished what they were sent to do, no matter what they went through.

I like how God doesn't give us all of the answers when we want them but He gives them to us when we need them, so the only thing I can do is wait....patiently wait for His answer. Whatever answer you're waiting on, it may not be what you want to hear but it's His plan, I encourage you to wait patiently. WE CAN DO IT!! 

"Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." -Philippians 4:6

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