Saturday, February 23, 2013

You Have Things To Do!

It's the weekend. It's still kind of early. It's been raining all night long. It's wet outside. I'm tired. You're tired. Reasons to put off whatever you're supposed to do today, huh? I'm sure we all would like to stay in the bed and not be bothered all day long. I even feel like this during the "work week", and I know I'm not the only one.

Umm yeah staying in, relaxing with no interruptions sounds lovely but for most of us that will never, ever happen. Maybe you have to work today, maybe you have children who won't let you sleep past 7 a.m., or maybe you have to travel somewhere far away today. Whatever it is, you're out of the bed and wide awake for it. Not because you want to be, but because you have to be.

The same applies to your Christian walk. I know this road gets tough and it seems like you're never going to reach where God is taking you but you HAVE to keep pressing because you have an ASSIGNMENT! Your assignment may not be something you want to do or something you think you're equipped for, but you have to do it. It was assigned to you before you came into the Earth. And it isn't something you can pass on to someone else, because it was designed specifically for you to accomplish. You don't know the people who are attached to your assignment. Their lives could depend on your courage to press on to fulfill it.

God's Word encourages us to "be not weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not"(Galations 6:9). So keep moving, keep pressing, even when it looks like (through the human eye) you aren't going anywhere. Trust me, you are.

Remember this is a process. Yes, God has all power and could get you to where He's taking you overnight if He wanted to, but you wouldn't have a story to tell if He did. Let Him work and take you on your remarkable journey. Your story will inspire someone and bring them to Christ.


Today's Prayer:

Lord, please help me to not become complacent on this journey. I want to please You by doing Your will for my life. I understand that You have a assignment for me and I accept whatever that may be. I WILL accomplish it in YOUR name. I Love You. Amen.

"I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us." - Philippians 3:14